One way to efficiently share presentations is to have students use screencasting tools to record and narrate their presentations, then publish those presentations in one place, like a Glog. This allows students to use class time to interact with the presentations and answer the Essential Questions that fuel the student-driven learning experience.
Here is an example:
- The Essential Questions for this Project Based Learning unit are listed at the top of the Glog.
- Initially, small groups of students collaborate to construct knowledge about specific volcanoes in North America. This process is guided by a grading rubric and requires them to
- create presentations
- record narrated screencasts of their presentations for sharing. (A script is recommended)
- Completed group projects are published on a Glog for a culminating classroom activity.
- Class sharing time provides students with the opportunity to interact with individual presentations to uncover knowledge and find answers the Essential Questions.
- A learning task is assigned to the activity to provide a focus and accountability. In this case, students are required to create an annotated Google Map, to provide a big-picture overview that answers the Essential Questions. Other suggestions include a simple Exit Ticket or a written summary to draw conclusions.

Here is more information about the tools used in the example: Click on the links to jump to my wiki for more information.
Essential Questions: Deep questions that guide the learning and cannot be answered by copying and pasting.
Google Presentation: The GoogleDocs version of an online, collaborative presentation tool.
Screencast-O-Matic: Record narrated presentations
YouTube: Upload and publish screencasts, then copy the link displaying in a glog.
Glogster: Create a glog of presentations and add video
Good idea. I have been linking student projects to Glogster and my learning page already, but adding the screencast sounds like it will make things work even better.