ThingLink Teacher Summer Challenges
ThingLink Summer VR Challenge 2016
We launched the best ThingLink Summer Teacher Challenge ever at ISTE 2016 in June. Follow the hashtag #TLChallenge on Twitter, Join our Google+ Community and get ready for this multi-level challenge designed collaboration among classroom teachers and EdTech coaches!
Sign Up for the ThingLink Summer VR Challenge
Get Inspired: Watch Our Recorded Webinar
All Summer VR Challenge Posts:
- 3 Reasons to Take the ThingLink Summer VR Challenge
- Get Started with the ThingLink Summer VR Challenge
- Collecting Data for the ThingLink Summer VR Challenge
Sign Up for the ThingLink Summer VR Challenge
Get Inspired: Watch Our Recorded Webinar
Summer Teacher Challenge 2015
Intro: 3 Reasons to Take the Next ThingLink Teacher Challenge
Week 1: Design Your Digital Self
Week 2: Collect and Curate Incredible Content
Week 3: Create a Collaborative Student Project
Week 4: ThingLink UnPlugged: Capture Learning on the Go
Week 5: Engage Students with ThingLink Video
More: Unpacking Google Apps for the Teacher Challenge
Summer Teacher Challenge 2014
Intro: 3 Reasons to Take the ThingLink Teacher Challenge
Week 1: Get Started
Week 2: Design Your Digital Self
Week 3: Digging Deeper Into Vocabulary
Week 4: Create an Interactive Map
Week 5: Flip It with ThingLink for Video
Week 6: ThingLink UnPlugged to Extend the Classroom Walls
Week 7: Turn it Up a Notch with Sound
Week 8: Engage Students in Informed Decision Making
Week 9: Create a Portfolio Channel
Week 10: Collect, Curate and Share Interactive Images
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