Time to reflect on some of the coolest tools...
Sporcle.com - A place to go for mentally stimulating diversions
Keep your mind active and use it to master one of many timed quizzes on your favorite topic. An added challenge is in the spelling...
Home » Archives for 2010
Research: Create a customized search tool
- on 12:21 PM
As educators we are faced with the challenge of teaching students to use the Internet effectively. With so much information available, it's important to bring relevant and reliable resources into the classroom and also to teach our students how to conduct...
Wikis for collaborative learning
- on 7:54 PM
A wiki is a website that allows visitors to easily add, remove, and edit content, making it an effective tool for collaborative authoring which allows students to construct knowledge. There's no need for software, all you need is an Internet-connected...
CurateUs: Share Web Content Visually
- on 1:27 PM
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CurateUs is a tool for visually sharing content on the web. With the click of a button, this cool tool makes it easy to legally take a snapshot of a website, add a sticky note to it, and embed it into your blog along with automatically generated attribution...
Web 2.0 in the Classroom, by Ryan McCallum
- on 9:45 AM
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Please give it a minute to load, then push play below...
.prezi-player { width: 550px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }
Web 2.0 in the classroom on Pr...
Cool Tools on Institute Day
- on 9:35 PM
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Driven by NETS-T, Digital Leaders and instructional tech folks have been busy collaborating to prepare sessions designed to help teachers leverage technology to meet district goals and initiatives. Cool Tools will be featured throughout the...
Cool Tools on Institute Day - Nov. 24, 2010
- on 9:04 PM
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Click to view larger
Digital Leaders are building a wiki of resources for the sessions we will be offering on Institute Day. The sessions are designed to help teachers and administrators leverage technology to meet district goals and initiatives....
Wordle and Current Events
- on 10:38 AM
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Wordle is a great tool for beginning a discussion about current events. Here is what happened when I wordled election results from the Chicago Tribune, The State Journal-Register, and The Associated Press this morning...
Awesome Highlighter
- on 5:04 PM
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The name says it all. This cool tool allows anyone to highlight text on any web page, add a sticky note, and share the link. It seems like a very useful and friendly tool for teachers and students.
A bookmarklet can easily be installed to your bookmarks...
A Laptop for All Teachers
- on 9:05 AM
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A laptop for all teachers is certainly a cool tool.
In our school district we have adopted a technology plan and declared our committment to 21st Century Learning. In order to provide every teacher with a cost-efficient laptop, we made the switch...
21st Century Learning and VoiceThread
- on 9:18 AM
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Here is a video snippet of how John McCauley uses VoiceThread as a tool for 21st Century Learning.
More samples of VoiceThread projects in D97 are included in the tabs at the top of this bl...
A Glimpse of 21st Century Learning
- on 3:35 PM
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Here is a snippet of 21st Century Learning, featuring the work of Ashley Kannan, Digital Leader at Julian...
BagTheWeb: Online Bookmarking Tool
- on 10:42 AM
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BagTheWeb is one of many free online social bookmarking tools that allows users to easily create a collection of web links which are conveniently stored and shared online. This cool tool functions similarly to Delicious, utilizing an optional...
CrocoDoc: Collaborative Documents
- on 11:58 PM
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Crocodoc is a simple, online document sharing tool that provides users with the ability to edit and collaborate on documents without requiring an email address. Stickies and drawing tools are available and they can be applied to several types of files,...
Flat Stanley in the 21st Century
- on 9:32 PM
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Flat Stanley has been embraced by teachers and students since 1964. Originally a character featured in a Jeff Brown's children's book, Stanley's most appealing trait is that he has the ability to visit his friends by being mailed in an envelope around...
Screencasting Tools
- on 3:44 PM
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This is a free online screencasting tool with plenty of handy features. The site itself is a great source of already created tutorials and it's worth checking out. ScreenToaster was very easy to use, and publishing a short screencast was...
- on 11:29 PM
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WallWisher is a free tool that allows you to create a page of online sticky notes. In addition to text, the notes can include images, links and videos as long as that media is already stored somewhere else online. Create a themed wall, then invite others...
Web 2.0 Tools for Online Presentation and Resource Sharing
- on 10:54 AM
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Nadine Norris, Instructional Technology Coordinator in District 15, always has a lot of useful tools to share. Here are some of the tools she shared at ICE today.
√ Wallwisher
√Online Screencasting
NEO2 for Keyboarding and Writing
- on 5:19 PM
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The NEO2 is worth taking a look at for schools looking for cost-efficient machines for keyboarding and writing. This machine is the newest Alphasmart. Here are some great features of the device:text can be enlarged
not Internet-connected
transfer data...
Pixie 2 for Learning in D97
- on 10:31 AM
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Pixie 2 software is available on our lab machines. Over the past month I've seen some creative teachers use the software to help students learn. The results have been terrific, and teachers and students are enjoying using this Cool Tool for...
Catostrophic Events: Pixie 2 and Google Presentation
- on 10:29 AM
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Phyllis Frick's 6th grade science students used Pixie 2 to create slides about catastrophic events. After completing some research, each student created original artwork depicting the event and wrote a one sentence summary about it.
This was the...