
October 2, 2009

Google Presentation for Student Portfolios

Compatibility with PowerPoint combined with the ability to easily publish slideshows online makes Google Presentation a Cool Tool for creating and maintaining student portfolios. I know of two innovative teachers in D97 who are building these portfolios, and they are definitely worth taking a look at. What a great way to celebrate the learning, progress and talents of your students, and what a fabulous way to share with relatives and friends across the world! I'll bet these students love having their work published and it certainly does encourage people to check your blog.
Sheila and Erica are two of the teachers you might be working with if you decide to attend a D97 GoogleDocs training session, coming to a location near you. Sign Up for Google Training 

Please comment to share your thoughts about these kindergarten portfolios of student work. Just click the link below and type a message into the box.


  1. Nice work! It's fun to see the level of writing and drawing for kindergarteners. - Dr. A

  2. How totally cool! I LOVED what you did with students and their work using Google presentation.
    These really ARE children who will from the beginning view technology as a "Cool Tool"

    Keep up the great work.

  3. I was pleased to see this implemented in Ms. Vietzen's classroom communication with her parents. I often stop by her blog to see her student's work. I love how she is working to use technology to keep her parents informed of the work their children are doing. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing what other new things you implement.
    -Angela Dolezal


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